

Valentine’s Day dos and don’ts at work.

Is love in the air in your business? Valentine’s Day is a great day to dust down your harassment policy and remind everyone at work about health boundaries in the workplace.

February 14th is a day when office romances can begin with hidden cards or secret anonymous emails, but your team must appreciate how that can be received, especially is its unwanted attention.

Pope Gelasius 1 declared February 14th St Valentine’s Day in the 3rd Century, but it didn’t become a day of romance until about the 14th Century when there are records to show messages of love were sent on that day and eventually popularised by the Victorians.

Valentine’s Day is a great way to celebrate employer engagement,  we had one of our team at Axiom Personnel bring in a rose and chocolates for all her colleagues, what a great way to acknowledge your team.

Do you experience increased levels of holiday requests? on Valentine’s Day?

Research shows that around 16% of betrothed couples were proposed to on Valentine’s Day, this may not affect businesses if its in the UK as we are not considered to be one of the most romantic nations in the world.  Of course, the Italians, the French and the Spanish hold the top places all spending more than 20 hours a week on affairs of the heart and they are in the top rankings for sick days, I wonder if they are sneaking a sick day for this day of love.

We are spreading the love today and are looking forward to placing candidates in our ‘lovely’ clients’ businesses.