

Changes made to the SIA Licence continue to help keep the public and businesses safe in the UK.

The changes to the SIA licence began in April 2021 with First Aid training becoming essential for door supervisors and security guard licences along with further changes made in 2022 with an updated close protection qualification. All new applications for an SIA licence must now be able to demonstrate they have full First Aid training as well as anyone renewing their licence. The level of First Aid training needed for the Close Protection licence is at level 3.

There are more than 370,000 licence holders spread across the UK, with 25% of these aged between 31-40, with women still massively underrepresented taking only 10% of the licences. As long as an officer has a good command of the English language, there are huge opportunities for diversity. The majority of licence holders are British (69%) but there are 195 different nationalities represented.

Door Supervisors account for 74% of licence holders, this makes sense with the majority of jobs needing a supervisor qualification, you can also do a security guard job, but someone with just a security guard licence can’t do a door supervisor role. (It takes 6-days to get a supervisor licence.)

Our security desk works closely with all our candidates to make sure the licences are updated, and they have the relevant training, we are based in East London and we have access to the largest % of qualified officers with 26% of SIA holders working in the City.

You are never too old to get a licence with the oldest licence holder at 96!

There are still plenty of opportunities for jobs in this sector and training is available in centres across the UK. Once you have got your qualification, we can find you your next position.