Are you a mum and looking to return to work in 2024?
In the March 2023 budget, the government announced they would be offering free places to working parents and this plan would roll out in 2024. As we approach the end of 2023, parents are already visiting nursery schools and places in some areas are limited.
But this is going to make a significant difference to many working parents and also parents who currently wouldn’t be able to consider going back to work without this help.
The current offer to all parents of 3-4 years old in England gives them 15 hours a week with registered childcare providers, this can be increased for working parents if eligible.
In April 2024, the age is being brought down to 2 years old for working parents to receive 15 hours of childcare allowances and from September 2024, this drops again to children of 9 months and above.
The government announced last month it would be injecting an additional £400 million into the early years sector to support nurseries in an attempt to stop more closures. The initiative of offering working parents free child care only works if there is enough provision available. There is also a grant available for new childminders registering with an agency of £1200 and this opened for application at the end of November and closes in March 2024.
There is still a worry that this won’t be enough to cover demand as parents begin to book in places for the first set of children who are turning 2 from April 1st 2024.
If you are looking to get back into part-time or full-time work in 2024 we would love to hear from you, register with us and we can start to talk to our employers about getting you back to work.