A career in Facility management now requires an understanding of sustainability, business resilience and corporate responsibility.
As well as the ability to logistically manage a facility, with the pressure on FM teams today does something have to give.
Our post-pandemic workplace has created a new and dynamic role for many facilities teams, in the past the FM would have been seen as the person who was responsible for the structure of the building, the running of the catering, the reception team and security, they would be held accountable for the cleaning regime, keeping the building cool in summer and warm in the winter and keeping within the compliance of the HSE, Fire Authority and also be conversant in utilities and comms.
Nowadays it seems that we expect so much more from our facilities contractors or managers, which still includes all of the above but also now incorporates much more:
Business resilience: from Can you keep the internet up, to what is the plan if the building collapses. The inclusion in the CSR plan could mean outreach to the local community and inclusivity with buying through local supply chains.
Then there is the building being part of the sustainability targets, how to reduce the carbon impact, of both the building and its residents. This can now include how the building will be finally demolished and how everything is removed, recycled and reused.
Most FMs will have found their way into the role, via working as a cleaning supervisor or in the security, team then eventually finding themselves (through being the longest person in the role), moving into the management of the premises, often because they know the building better than most other people who work there!
This has meant that the industry often has an older age profile and like many sectors in this country it feels as if we are again heading for a recruitment nightmare, with many of them reaching retirement age, succession planning will be key to the ability to keep our major industrial and business estates thriving.
I can see that moving forward, the role of a Facilities Manager will become more strategic, heavily invested in technology and a vital part of the Senior management team in any organisation, the skills needed for this individual will be different again from those we are looking for today.
If you are involved with the placement of a Facility Management job in your business, get in touch today and find out how we can help you get the right candidates for your business.